Reduce flooding on your property

Hui o Ko’olaupoko and 3Rwater are offering FREE rainwater assessments for a limited time for properties in Kailua, Kaneohe, Kaawa and Waimanalo. 

Sign up below for your FREE rainwater assessment ($500 value) + be entered to win a FREE rain barrel (additional $150 value), which could help save you money on your water bill. 

Do your part

Rain is a valuable resource but if there is a lot within a short period of time, it contributes to flooding and pollution, which can be detrimental to you, your property, our streams and the ocean.
A rainwater assessment will show you where and how much rainwater is occurring on your property, and ultimately identify ways to help prevent flooding and pollution, and even save you money. 

Image by: City & County of Honolulu Department of Facility Maintenance (Green Infrastructure for Homeowners).


Follow the Drop

3Rwater and Hui o Ko’olaupoko are currently offering FREE rainwater assessments using a new and innovative tool called the Follow the Drop (FtD) mobile app. This app can help design the best rainwater plan for your property.  



Hui o Ko'olaupoko
